Hacking and ransomware attempts have increased by tenfold. This is a huge problem and have many website owners worried, which is why they wonder how to increase their website security.
9 Ways Managed IT Services Can Help Your Business
Managed IT Services are becoming more and more popular as small businesses work to save time, money, and resources.
When you have a managed IT provider on speed dial, you will never need to spend your valuable time and resources learning about the latest technology trends or managing in-house tech experts.
Instead, you’ll benefit from having an experienced third party who is dedicated and has the ability to manage the technology needs of your small business.
6 Sure Signs Someone Is Phishing You – Besides E Mail
There are several common and, unfortunately, frequently successful avenues of attack that cybercriminals can use to part you from your personal contact and financial information.
Ransomware gangs are changing their tactics.
Researchers detail how some ransomware groups are shifting towards smaller targets, but ones where they can still guarantee a significant payday.
You should change the way you charge your smartphone
It feels like the modern way to charge modern devices.
If you’re anything like I was, the last thing you’d do before climbing into bed is put your smartphone on charge, so it would, just like you, be ready for a new day after resting for eight hours.